Advent Video series

DIanThe purpose of this page is to collect ideas for and keep track of authors involved in the 2020 Advent Video series.

HOPE: November 29 - December 5

Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Nikole Lim, Liberation Is Here

In the face of gender-based violence, how is hope even possible?

A story of hope in a seemingly hopeless place?

AN emailed on 11/12, interested, RECEIVED

Glen Packiam, Worship and the World to Come

@Maila Kim (Unlicensed) could you share your thoughts for this suggestion?

See video starting at 7:45: @Allie Noble

AN emailed on 11/12, interested, RECEIVED

L. Michael Morales, Exodus Old and New

what @Maila Kim (Unlicensed) said about the hope narrative through exodus

See video starting at 8:30: @Allie Noble

AN emailed on 11/12, interested, RECEIVED

Diana Gruver, Companions in the Darkness

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble “There is hope, even in the darkness. We are not alone.”

AN emailed on 11/12, interested, RECEIVED

Esau Mccaulley, Reading While Black

His hope for the Black church today.

AN emailed on 11/10, interested

Donna + Leroy Barber, Bread for the Resistance + Embrace

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble I’d love to see both Donna and Leroy talk together about hope. Where do they see hope these days? How do they hold on to hope in justice work?

AN emailed on 11/10

Don Everts, The Hopeful Neighborhood



Cathleen Falsani or Jenny Dyer, The End of Hunger

why we should have hope that the end of hunger in our lifetime is a possibility?


Russ Ramsey, any

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble I’m thinking about his Retelling the Story series. He could probably riff on one of the chapters in his Advent book.


Stina KC, Blessed are the Nones

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?wen

@Allie Noble “There is hope in the middle of the unknown.” She has lots of great things to say about trust/hope.


Ken Boa, Shaped by Suffering

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble There is hope in the midst of suffering. The suffering can move us, shape us, refine us.


PEACE: December 6 - 12

Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Irwyn Ince, The Beautiful Community

How the trinity models peace and unity for us

AN emailed on 11/12, Interested, RECEIVED

Alan Fadling, Unhurried Life

finding peace in the stillness

AN emailed on 11/10, interested, RECEIVED

Marlena Graves, The Way Up is Down

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble Marlena captures the paradox of the kingdom. To get ahead, you humble yourself. I think she could have some good things to say about peace. Maybe she could also connect it to her enneagram contribution?

AN emailed on 11/12, interested, RECEIVED

Juanita Rasmus, Learing to Be

Finding your peace “after the bottom falls out”

AN emailed on 11/10

Justin Giboney, Compassion (&) Conviction

anything @Christina Gilliland (Unlicensed) suggestions?

AN emailed on 11/12,

Alec Hill, Living in Bonus Time

Finding peace in the face of a disastrous situation


Douglas Bursch, Posting Peace

spreading peace on social media


Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Graham Hill, Healing Our Broken Humanity

finding peace amongst our broken humanity


Jon Huckins and Jer Swigart, Mending the Divides

peace across contentious divides


MelindaJoy Mingo, Colors of Culture (or Love or Joy?) @Lori Neff

peace in cross cultural relationships


Skip McDonald, Anxiety LBS

Finding peace in the face of mental illness


Sheila Wise Rowe, Healing Racial Trauma

finding peace after racial trauma


Ed Gilbreath, Birmingham Revolution

What can we learn about pursuing peace from MLK that is needed for our time today?


Jason Gaboury, Wait With Me

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble how can we have peace in loneliness? (Jason can riff on anything and connect it - he’s great)


Barbara Peacock, Soul Care in African American Practice

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble We can experience peace in difficult times. She might have a practice or a story/account from history that connects the themes. She might also enjoy talking on one of the other weeks instead.


JOY: December 13 - 19

Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Lacy Finn Borgo, Spiritual Conversations with Children

incorporating joy into a child’s faith development, what we can learn from childlike faith

AN emailed on 11/10, interested, RECEIVED

Tish Warren, Prayer in the Night

finding hope in the darkness

AN emailed on 11/10, interested, RECEIVED

Shundrawn Thomas, Discover Joy in Work

How can we discover joy in work

AN emailed on 11/12, interested

Carmen Joy Imes, Bearing God’s Name

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble I think Carmen could speak on any of the themes, but she might be able to connect to joy well.

AN emailed on 11/12

Christine Sine, The Gift of Wonder

discovering the joys of faith

AN emailed on 11/10, interested

Cindy Bunch, Be Kind to Yourself

assessing what brings you joy?


Gisela Kreglinger, The Soul of Wine

Experiencing god-given joy in the little things


Steve Wilkens, What’s So Funny About God?

Joy in theology


LOVE: December 20 - 26

Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Author Name + Book

Possible Angle


Gem Fadling, What Does Your Soul Love?

finding what your soul loves?

AN emailed on 11/10, interested, RECEIVED

Jonathan Brooks, Church Forsaken

loving your community

AN emailed on 11/10, interested. requested a reminder email from @Allie Noble later to the time.

Wendy Alsup, Companions in Suffering

walking together in love through difficult times (angle for the many people whoa re grieving during the holidays)

AN emailed on 11/10, interested, RECEIVED

Terence Lester, I See You

How to love your neighbor? Why he has felt called to use his own life experiences to love others in return.

AN emailed on 11/10, interested

TaraBeth Leach, Radiant Church

Steve mentioned your sermon for Christ Church’s advent series is on Loneliness to Love. A snippet from that?

Reflections on your love for the church, potentially pulling themes from Radiant Church?

AN emailed on 12/7, interested

Dorothy Greco, Marriage in the Middle

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble love may be surprising and hard work, but so worth it.


Matt and Laurie Krieg, An Impossible Marriage

How we are called to mirror God’s love for us


Gena Thomas, Separated by the Border

What she learned about God's love or Mother love through being a foster mom.


David Benner, Surrender to Love

surrendering to love?


Kelly Flanagan, True Companions

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble lasting love in friendship/marriage/faimly looks different than we might imagine.


Bethany Hiser, From Burned Out to Beloved

@Lori Neff could you share your thought for this suggestion?

@Allie Noble Bethany could offer a creative practice that helps us connect to the love of God.