*Analog Church — Social Media Sharing
Welcome! Thank you for your help with launching Analog Church! The goal of this page is to provide you with information, graphics, and content for you to share on your social media platforms. Please contact us with any questions you have. Our social media manager Allie Noble can be reached at anoble@ivpress.com.
Hashtag, Links to Purchase, Tagging
- Hashtag: #AnalogChurch
- Launch date: March 31, 2020
- Always include a link to the bookseller of your choice—unless you are linking to an article or some other page.
- Links to the Analog Church book page at the most common booksellers' websites:
- EBook links:
- Please tag IVP when possible so we can see and share your post
- Twitter: @ivpress
- Facebook: InterVarsity Press
- Instagram: @ivpress
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com
- Goodreads:
- Add Analog Church to your "Want to Read" list, and be sure to rate and review it!
- Follow Jay Kim
Cover Image
Header Graphics
Coming Soon Graphics
Quote Graphics
Endorsement Graphics
Launch Day Graphics
*Do not share these until Launch Day (March 31, 2020)
Blank Graphics
Use these to customize and add your own favorite quotes.